
Sunday, July 31, 2011

S.M.I.L.E.//L.7: Early Days Uniform

In case no one told you, there is a mom uniform that you will don in the early days, weeks, maybe months. For the first month of Addison's life I predominantly lived in: PAJAMAS. Since it was winter when she was born I often wore pajama sets with button down fronts (which were rarely buttoned since I was non-stop nursing!)

Exhibit A. There are no flattering pictures of me for the first two months
of Addison's life--or should I say, my full-time mom life.

At first I was down about the fact that I barely brushed my hair and lived in pj's (albeit some cute ones) for weeks--but I quickly understood one of my first mommy milestones: letting go of vanity for the tiniest of periods in order to enjoy making my life solely about a newborn. That time went by super fast, and there will be days that we spend in our pj's, but they won't ever be worn as proudly.

Exhibit B. New moms are a lot like rock stars: Messy hair. Up all night.
Little sleep. Dazed look in the eye. Hanging with cute babes. Oh yeah!

To add to this: If you are nursing, you will be half-naked all of the time in those early weeks. Who has time to keep putting on clothes when there is a baby at your booby for at least 12 out of the 24 hours you are granted in your day? I am not going to post those pictures, but those days happened too.

What a family is...

Is a family ever broken that was never together to begin with?

Addison @ 2 weeks old

When I decided to have Addison I knew that I would essentially be a single mother. I can’t say I fully accepted that fact and thus didn’t (and still don’t) puff up over the pride that some carry with that decision. Single parenting wasn’t a posh ideology for me; it was never part of the plan, but wasn’t enough for me to choose not to be a mother either. I WANTED motherhood, but moreover I wanted FAMILY. A big one. A loving one. I swore I would one day do it ‘RIGHT’—I would return to what I consider the nostalgic focus on the family unit, I would devote my life to being a partner and a ‘professional parent’. It was, and still IS my ultimate dream to have a warm, loving, stable family unit though I never had an example of one in my own life. It wouldn’t be enough to describe my family as a broken one unless we upped that definition to fit the nuances of the word. More appropriately mine was broken, reattached, broken some more, renovated, destroyed, reconstructed…mercurial mayhem and extensions of love.

Addison @ 2/12 months. First ZOO experience!

But what is family really? Is Addison part of a broken family or a piece-meal one? She has a mother, a father, plenty of aunts and uncles, four times the grandparents I had, and a built-in network of friends to grow up with. Yet, like a lot of modern families, there is a lack of unity or perhaps we unite simply for the love of her. Her day to day involves she and I. I spend twenty-four hours a day with her every day and love her more and more each hour. This is not to say it is always ‘easy’, but it IS joyful. It IS what I consider family because the love is constant, pure, undying, and secure. There is laughter, comfort, routine, SECURITY. There isn’t any ego clouding my vision—just the beauty that radiates from the smile of my daughter. To me, that is the definition of family. Not just ‘relations’ of some sort or other.

Addison @ 7 weeks.
 First visit to the Tibetan Museum and making an offering to the Buddha

To be clear, I am devoted to my bloodline as much as I know how to be. However, throughout adolescence all the way to my present near-thirty I have sought out extensions—other committed like-minded creatures to be part of a sangha. Sometimes family ‘obligations’ (I often consider it drama) kept me from developing in the way that I would have liked…but finally I have learned the true nature of family. So rather than going on a ‘woe-is-me-fest’ I will share a piece of liberation. Family is love, support, understanding, commitment. Family is not simply about genetics, marriage, history. Those things are important, but do not embody what it takes to have a successful family. Never let ‘family’ convince you that it’s okay to be abusive in any way because they are your blood. This is part of an ugly cycle and you can break it if you understand that you are being fed an illusion. Do not feel like you are less of a family because society says you are missing parts. I know I need to remind myself of these things quite often, but I am deeply aware that I have more love in my home (which consists of "only" myself and a baby), than was ever even imagined in the house of seven (plus dogs) I grew up in. My family extends to all of those who regularly share love and energy, who bring inspiration, joy, and show they are committed to being loving. 

Thank you to my sangha of people who love and support Addison and I, near and far, blood or not-- I am blessed to know you. Here is to growth and love and experiences to come!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Awesomely Obscure Children's Books

From Mark Twain's: "Advice to Little Girls"
Need I say anything more? Wow.
(I especially covet the Wilde one!!)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Wonder-full Weekend//July 22-24.2011

I love full weekends in which there is tons to look forward to (albeit somewhat exhausting considering the heat and my general anxiety)--it brings me so much happiness to give Addison so many experiences and people to watch. This weekend involved new milestones, old friends revisited, play dates, a local 'festival', and another successful gathering of mamas-to-be.

Sadly I forgot to take actual pool pictures but I did snap Addy in the
cute bathing suit her cousin Paulie picked out.
Friday July 22: Addison was invited to her first 'pool party' (four mamas and babes hanging and lunching just because) and had her first big-person-pool experience. She was instantly enchanted by the comforting waters, kicked, and later napped in my arms while I mostly bobbed around and enjoyed the respite from the heat. Later that day we so happened to get together with an old friend who has been living in Shanghai for the last two years and met for coffee at The Full Cup (Staten Island's most happening spot right now--and where it seemed everyone did in fact know my name).  I think I was heat drunk because I forgot to take pictures!! I had Addison's car seat in the empty vintage bathtub randomly housed in the midst of the front area's couches for some time. She mostly napped and people-watched while we caught up on lost times.

VAN DUZER DAYS! (photo by our friend and local music legend Matt Wilson)
Saturday July 23: One of my favorite happenings on the island is Van Duzer Days (here is the 2009 entry from my alternate blog--2010's report has so far been skipped over because of my 'I was pregnant and thus lapsed on all blogging while I adjusted to reality' spell). One of the most culturally rich blocks is closed off for the day and there is live art, craft activities (which I am usually hosting for children), music, vintage, and all around straight up old school FUN! Last year I was joyous knowing that the next year's events would include me with a baby, and last year's marked when I told some of my most awesome friends about my pregnancy. For the next three Saturdays Addy and I will get to enjoy some summer freedom and celebration, but here are some highlights from this week:
I was so excited to see this new ice cream parlor open up. It is far more
 appropriate than some of the other odd things it has been (like a psychic shop).
I had the Cappuccino Kahlua Calypso and it was divine.
Sweet details!! A little kid's corner!
An abacus!! (And the lovely Ella on counting)

Little V matched the paints so well
The darling and talented Rob Carey
The dynamic Nick Williams and the Anteaters
Captain Ahab and the Sea Crakcens
 (the island's premiere and only surf rock band!)
Live art in the streets! Addison was mesmerized by this one!
The immensely multi-talented Chris Sorrentino
I need to get the artist's name! 
It was hours before I noticed this random oddity outside of an estate sale building.
The best part about the day was all of the love Addison and I received!!
Sunday July 24: This marked the second "Fearless Birth" free class (put together by Birth Right Now) hosted in my apartment. Until the business finds a suitable center to grow I am using my space (which is pretty spacious and very comfy) to hold an exciting amount of classes. The excitement I have is immeasurable since I not only get to help support a dear friend who I deeply admire, but I also get to support something I feel IMMENSELY passionate about: motherhood and children. This week's class brought together another set of expectant mamas that I was so happy to socialize with and tell my story to. For me these workshops never get old because the information is so pertinent, the community and love so palpable, and the positive energy so necessary. Women need support and camaraderie, especially during the transition to motherhood. I love the feeling of 'paying it forward' and having the opportunity to partake in beauty.

After the class, Addy and I were visited by her Granna Iva and Uncle Chris which was so so nice. We ate some delicious pizza from my favorite local place Marie's and they got to see Addison do all of her 'baby tricks'. The two of us were so exhausted from all of the beauty, love, and excitement over the weekend that it carried over into a rather lazy monday.

Here's to community!!!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Approved Awesomeness//Onesie Extenders

This image was featured in the Staten Island Family magazine
for July 2011 and belongs to the etsy shop: Kimeyates

Ideas like these make me wonder why I didn't consider this sooner! I saw these as part of a "New & Noteworthy" section in a local magazine (Staten Island Family) and then had one of those 'aha' moments. My baby (like many I read about) is quite long and lean, thus many of her onesies still fit her in width, but can barely close in length. What a cute way to conserve what you have, reuse scraps or dirty onesie parts, or save from buying larger sizes too soon.

I am a craft-prone mama and decided to look up some DIY's since these seem pretty simple to make. I particularly like the ones at A Girl and a Glue Gun and Diddle Dumpling. If anyone has more resources, ideas, or pictures using these link up, I would love to see them!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

S.M.I.L.E.//What It's All About

Since Mamahood I've Learned Endlessly...
...and with motherhood, smile you will...even if it's through your teeth sometimes

This is the feature that gave me the final impetus to start this blog. While pregnant I tried to cram as much knowledge into my cranium as possible and any mama knows that EVERYONE will give you their two cents when they know you're expecting. Living life became a virtual textbook tour of all things to come....but, you can never be too prepared! Motherhood (to be fair, parenthood) will give you opportunities to learn so many things NO ONE ever told you (or at least you totally forgot until you EXPERIENCED it!)

October 24, 2010. 24+weeks prego. A belly full of baby and random people's advice

SMILE is a fitting acronym for all of those random profound (or pretty crazy) things I am picking up along this wacky, fun, challenging, exhausting, BEAUTIFUL journey.

I hope you share some of your wisdom too!

S.M.I.L.E.//L.6: People Will Want to Feed Your Baby

Warning, a mama ranting (somewhat snobbishly) ahead!

Many people will think they are the expert about your child, and even though the sentiments seem to come from good places, sometimes I get plain annoyed or creeped out by some of the obsessions that get handed down. It seems people are adamantly interested in two things about babies: 1. how they sleep and 2. feeding them. All around me I hear:  I can't wait to feed her; When is she going to eat; Once she gets some food she'll really be happy; Oh she'd be better if she ate. There is something beautiful about sharing meals and I am a believer that cooking for someone is like giving them a bit of your heart and soul...but I also find it bizarre that so many people want to feed my baby random stuff, especially stuff that babies SHOULDN'T eat! I've heard cascades of: I fed it to so and so and they turned out fine; It's just ice cream; It's not going to kill her; Aw come on she wants it....WTF? Why is fine/okay or not killing someone the bar in which we set our standards and how the heck does someone know my child wants said food? It seems every time she puts her fingers to her mouth people insist she really wants food. Insert rant: She is an infant, they put everything in their mouth because it is one of their most developed tactile senses to connect to this world AND because of obvious things like teething--yet for some reason many people assume the only logic for any of her typical babyisms is that she wants food. As in something other than breastmilk.

This lesson will correlate with some others I will sooner or later write about, but I find it more pertinent since I am one of the radicals who is following the advice of some "random pockets" like the World Health Organization, UNICEF, and even (gasp) The American Academy of Pediatrics (to name a few) and...wait for it...delaying solids. From the reactions of family members (and outsiders) one would think I was the Grinch. How dare I look out for the ultimate health of my child and sacrifice to maintain a breastfeeding relationship? What a tyrant I am keeping something that has less nutritional value and interest from my babe! I know, horrible.

I found this photo here
There have been many pressures, raised eyebrows, talk-downs, and outright confusion from some about my decision to breastfeed to begin with (oh I will get to that some day) so naturally the fact that at nearly six months into Addison's existence I am still breastfeeding makes some almost aggravated and impatient. Besides the studies that have been conducted, my ultimate theory is to relax. Time goes by so quickly that I am in no rush to speed any developmental milestone up. Truth, I now enjoy having a breastfeeding relationship, but I also enjoy food and look forward to bit by bit incorporating food into Addison's experiences. However, I know my child and I study up-- A LOT. First, she just isn't interested. I let her smell what I eat, I give her her own (baby safe) fork and bowl to 'eat' with me, I watch for all the cues. As you can gander from my last post, my parenting philosophy is a bit intuitive, meaning I use her as my key text. She is just approaching what is considered ready to start and enjoy solids--for instance her tongue thrust reflex has only dissipated in the last few weeks. Addison has only just begun noticing food at all....and I am noticing this NOW, me, the person with her 24 hours a day...so naturally when someone else assumes I am not being receptive I became a little incensed.

I'm so deprived of food I'm forced to eat my fingers.
The deeper truth is that I have long suffered from stomach ailments (even worse off is my poor sister) and have a slew of unfortunate food (and everything else) allergies. Not only does this put my child more at risk for allergies, but it puts me in a position to want to prevent whatever I think I can. I often wonder what life would have been like had my parents been more considerate of nutrition and child development. I understand information wasn't as readily available to them, but it IS for me (yes, I am a google addict). Ultimately, (and I cannot stress this point enough) every parent needs to find what works for them and needs support along the way. The paradox of being a good parent is that you will guilt yourself about everything and want to do everything, read everything, fix everything for your child. So I wonder, why are people so obsessed with having to feed my baby? Why are so many invested in proving me less in tune to both my child and research than I actually am? Why are people in such a rush?? Nom nom nom.

Here is an article that I find very useful from Cafe Mom. If you are like me and occasionally stalk the comment forum, you will find plenty of posts to hurray and quite a few that will make you wonder why so many bitter people exist.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Joys of Non-Scheduling

I am still new to mamahood and constantly reevaluate every decision I make. Sometimes I feel comfortable about my choices and then randomly freak out, reread everything I can find, send inquiries to other mamas, even panic. At close to five and a half months into this journey and looking back there are some things I am happy I stuck with, believed in, or went with because...I just did. One being, I have not rushed to put my baby on a 'schedule'.
Random vintage clock-radio stock photo. Because I love mid-century modern.
Many people pressured me to put my baby on a strict schedule RIGHT AWAY. Loved ones, strangers, colleagues--all matter-of-fact as if an immovable itinerary would mean the difference between a healthy or sickly child. Thus, I melted down a bit when the reality of life with a newborn set in. Everything. was. perfect.chaos. I use the term perfect as in 'as it should be'. For my baby, a schedule was something loosely interpreted as a pattern that took time for me to recognize--mostly because it didn't really exist at first.

It took friends and my pediatrician's advice to 'allow' me the freedom to choose NOT to train my child to stick to arbitrary hours of the day. In many ways I was blessed with a baby who took to the concept of night time rather quickly, and who ultimately adjusted to my present lifestyle. One of my pediatricians told me that for the first three months it is mama's job to listen to the baby's schedule and needs and that hopefully at some point after that the two of us would strike a balance. My darling friend Unique (one of my mama sages) kept reminding me that Addison did have a schedule, I just had to recognize it as hers and not what I wanted/expected it to be.  I eventually relaxed.

Mind the terrible photo-it's purpose is to show Addison out past most baby's bed time.
6/25/11 Lumen Art&Film Festival
The hidden truth-- I am still conflicted. There is a part of me who is fascinated by people who can schedule well--I get excited over the productivity that can occur in a day when all is planned, I get giddy over cute routines and rituals....but then there is the other part of me, the more natural self that hates schedules, who finds routines mundane, who likes to sleep whenever, go wherever, do whatever--whenever, or not. Two stark extremes. One person. Either way, I've been learning to just go with what feels good and natural. However, as my leave is coming to an end and our lives will be forced into a relatively strict set schedule I longingly hold tight to mine and my babe's effortless symbiosis. Addison naturally likes to go to bed late and thus wake up at what I consider a reasonable hour--just like her mama!! Some of the joys of non-schedules for us have been:

  1. My baby and I have struck our own unique balance that works for our present lifestyle.
  2. Our routines can be adjusted easily.
  3. Addison goes with the flow like her mama and thus this makes it easier for us to freely socialize
  4. Her naps are at intervals of the day rather than set times--which means she will nap when she needs to (though napping is still NOT a breeze...it gets better).
  5. I've come to understand Addison's schedules and needs as they pertain to mine.
  6. Addison follows cues that I set up to indicate night time, quiet time, nap time etc.
  7. There is a sense of freedom behind watching her be.
  8. There is less overall stress. The days are whatever we make them. That makes me feel more 'free'.
6/24/11 Discovering string lights after some jazz at a local
coffee shop alleyway show. Luckily this is not abnormal NYC parenting.

Really the key is finding what works for you and your circumstances. Find what feels good so that you can enjoy life and mostly enjoy your yummy baby. Watch out for my other half when she writes about the joys of schedules!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Maya Wrap My Love

When I like a product or find something ingenious I OBSESS and tell everyone in ear shot who may care. As a first time mama I had a lot of expectations about the type of mom I would be and found myself quickly overwhelmed by choosing products for my registry. Then came the anticipation of what baby and I would actually get. I have quickly learned that a lot of things are nice but not necessary and some things are WAY better than expected. In my mind I imagined myself being total baby-wearing obsessed mama and though I do wear her hear and there, it took some time for me to get used to. There are a million types I want to try but money doesn't allow for me to have all the nifty slings-and-things--although, of the carriers (or any baby accoutrements) I do have, my favorite is my MAYA WRAP (courtesy of my thoughtful friends Danielle and Jen).

7/2/11: "Have Maya will travel"-Metrocard peeking out of pocket
When Addison was a newborn this wrap (which is actually a sling) was perfect for toting her in the cradle hold. As a winter baby this proved to be an excellent place for her to snuggle in and nap those few times I didn't nap with her. Then there came an awkward period in which she was slightly too big to sit comfortable in the cradle position but too small to carry her upright against my body--but I did not abandon my maya--oh no! What turned a like into a LOVE was my last minute decision to take a Manhattan adventure for Addison and I to see Amma at the Roseland theatre. Just us. I wasn't fully clear on what to expect upon arrival, but I knew a stroller would be way too cumbersome so I decided we would make the PT (public trans) trek with just the sling, a bookbag and some faith--no baby tank!

Once I got the hang of holding Addy upright facing me we ventured towards the ferry and by the time we got to the Manhattan side I was feeling the glow of love start to warm my cheeks--but the ultimate REASONS I LOVE MY MAYA WRAP are:

1. While on the subway and in the theater I was able to discreetly nurse without much maneuvering.

Little feet giving up her existence while nursing underneath 

2. The super deep and convenient pocket held my cellphone and metrocard with ease and comfort (I was even able to fit my giant wallet in there and walk around the venue sans backpack).
3. I didn't kill my back carrying a baby around on and off for twelve hours.
4. She napped for a total of three and a half hours in there!!

Out. Cold.
5. I was able to socialize, travel quite a distance, wait in a line, and use BOTH hands while toting her comfortably.
6. I got so many compliments on how PRETTY it is!
7. Even when others were holding her, wearing the sling/wrap still looked so cute! :)

Adventure gals on ride home--beaming from our Amma hug!
8. It's very easy to wash and also easy to guide material through rings.
9. There are tons of colors/prints--even dudes like em! 
10. The 'tail' (long piece of hanging fabric used to adjust) is fun to use to play peekaboo or fan your baby. Try it.
Sigh. I love love.

7/10/11: Us at our beautiful friend Bridgette's Baby shower (hells yea alliteration!)

Oh, AND if you want to learn more about Baby Wearing, seriously google "Benefits of Baby Wearing"and read the top five links. All great. I especially love this one, but really, you could easily find  yourself on a link chase reading about this topic. You may even stumble upon things like this video. That's right: "All the baby mamas". Need I say more? Welcome to a whole new world of obsessions!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Girls' Local Weekend//BK and SI 'represent'

Even though I have been on leave from work for six months now, weekends still feel like separate entities that warrant activities. Coming from Staten Island, New York I would describe myself similarly to my borough: just on the outskirts of hip. Not to say that good ol' Shaolin doesn't have its charm, I just honestly think that Brooklyn does it all better. If it weren't totally impractical of me, I would tote myself and child back on over the bridge...but to live well in BK is a bit out of my league...so for now we just visit and covet a cooler life. (Naturally I forgot my camera at a friend's house, so iphone to the rescue!)

7/17/11: Addison sports one of the many teams she is told
she is a fan of by respective family members.
On Friday we visited our lovely new friend and mama-to-be Laura out in Williamsburg with our beautiful mama-to-be Bridgette. I'll admit that sometimes I feel disdain for the Burg because there is an oversaturation of cool and now I'm plain jelly (jealous without the edge) because there are so many fun things for mamas, and SO much to walk to. I miss that aspect of living in Bay Ridge too.
7/15/11: Alright Williamsburg, you're not really the enemy...
Us ladies had a gorgeous lunch at Laura's baby-ready apartment (some nicely spiced black beans, rice and avocado; a salad with B's yummy dressing; hummus and carrots; fresh fruit salad) then ventured to the cutest shop/meet up spot for a new-mama's group. Caribou Baby is where I want to cozy up and live now. My pictures show very little (now that I'm blogging again I will be motivated to take shots of things other than Addison) but the place is designed like it should be a staple in a town like Ithaca. There were mid-century furniture pieces mixed with art, nature, the cutest and softest baby bear rugs, and tons of eco-friendly merchandise. Hip mama haven. Thus Addy got to have her biggest play date to date. 

Mind the fact that my iphone hipstamatic app was on random shake and all my pics were (unbeknownst to me) take in B&W. 

1. Addison scopes out baby central 2. She shimmies around to stake out her first friend 3. She eyes a blankey and covertly makes her way to put it in her mouth 4. When cutie baby boy notices her she coyly turns away 5. They make contact! 6. Babies have short attention spans!

I loved the design of the whole place and the huge back room (with sweet vintage details) for classes and meet up groups. My dream is to have something like this on the island, full of handmade details, that catered also to arts/crafts and local wares...but I honestly don't think it would be able to thrive in a sustainable way. Who knows....Back to CB....There were many thoughtful accoutrements like a changing area, a baby scale, birth balls, a backyard (rare to find in BK) and a massage room/family/private meeting room. Pure love.

We finished up our girls date by having some bubble tea and sorbies at Saint's Alp Teahouse: a cutie place with bold colors, retro chairs, and yumminess. I had the double chocolate sorbie and got to taste the latte sorbie and mint-chocolate bubble tea-- WOW, all rich in flavor and super light.

On Saturday we spent time with our friends Vivienne and Morgan (the coolest mama daughter duo I know) and Addison showed off every aspect of her personality and baby tricks. She knows how to charm! I ate steak for the first time in about a year and admit it was super good. Addison tried to lunge at some, showing her first sign of understanding that food goes in one's mouth. She loved grabbing at everything in sight, showing off her ability to sit up and 'walk' in place, vocalize, smile big big big, imitate, and put things in her mouth. I was in mama glory all day.

Today was a strange day that seems to be dragging. It was one of those Sundays that felt somewhat empty inside, a day of relative loneliness. I know I'm never technically alone, but sometimes I do in fact feel lonely--like I am missing a piece. The fact that I felt ravenously hungry all weekend could be the culprit behind the empty feeling, or maybe a symptom. Either way I decided we ladies needed to get out of the house so we ventured intp Brooklyn for the Food Truck Rally at Grand Army Plaza. Our friends' band the Wahoo Skiffle Crazies were playing and mama was craving some sweetness. I missed the island 'festival' this week which I heard would include the Treats Truck, so I was super happy that I got to sample some of their goods--sadly I ate them up before pictures could be taken. I ordered a coconut chocolate chip cookie and what looked like a homemade oreo which was butter cookie fabulousness. Drools.
I went with the carrier since I forgot my beloved wrap at home.
At least there was a nice breeze...but mama got some fierce sweatiness after an hour of this.
Staten Island's premiere (and only) jug band! The last band I saw before Addison was born!
I think she liked them even more outside of the womb!
The day was pretty hot, but not unbearable like a lot of New York summers of late. I'm not a fan of the heat and have been pleasantly surprised with how well we've been treated by mother nature this year. Yay Earth! I wonder how toxic having a food truck is. According to the site, the Treats Truck runs on "Compressed Natural Gas" so I hope that this is a common new practice since the Food Truck fad is hardcore in NYC. Outside of the potential of harmful gasses I am ALL FOR this revolution and was excited to see the unique selections available. What I have pictured is only most of the trucks! I can't wait for next month and hopefully testing even more! 

Yay yay yay!
The Cupcake Stop

Waffles&Dinges; The Taim Mobile 
I <3 so many of the clever design elements!
Cool Haus Truck
I wasn't sure what to expect since the Staten Island rally was relatively lame, so I ate lunch at home and hoped for some sweets. I was so pleasantly surprised and had a delectable ice cream cookie sandwich from  the Cool Haus truck.

Red Velvet Cookies with Oreo Ice Cream! I'm lucky Addison only
eats food through me so I didn't have to share now!

Kimchi Taco seemed to be one of the most popular--I do love Korean BBQ!
The very coveted Rickshaw Dumpling Truck
Mmmm cheese! Gorilla Cheese!
Eddie's Pizza
One great thing about this part of Prospect Park is that there were plenty of areas to sneak some shade to eat, plenty of cycling around, and a lot of families. This whole weekend, between seeing so many families and having two friends ready to have little girls I kept realizing that one day I will not just have a baby but a child. I am both excited as heck and anxious. I want to savor every moment of her sweetness and bask in the blessings of mamahood for as long as I can.

I would say this little social butterfly was pretty happy about our weekend!